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Quick Start

Welcome to BakeIT Guildelines 💜
An introduction to the root concepts U would use on a daily basis will be given to U 👽

“The hottest new programming language is English” – Andrej Karpathy

  • Writing a good product requires thinking about what Ur users are trying to do 💡
  • Baking a delicious cake requires time, patience, the right ingredients and the right steps 🥮
  • Quality of Ur input dictates Ur output and eventually outcome 🎩
  • U are the partner of the company, not slave 🤝
  • The more choices the longer it takes to decide which one is the best 🤔

“It’s not the hours you put in your work that counts, it’s the work you put in the hours” – Sam Ewing

Hick’s Law

RT = a + b log2 (n)
// RT - response time
// a - time not involved with decision making
// b - time of cognitive processing
// n - number of alternatives
  • Start simple add complexity later
  • Break down complex processes into more simple steps
  • Reduce the options for time-critical tasks
  • Highlight recommended options

Pareto Principle

  • 20% of Ur actions will likely drive 80% of Ur results
  • 20% of Ur tasks will likely produce 80% of value
  • 20% of Ur customers will likely lead to 80% of Ur sales
  • 20% of Ur products will likely make 80% of Ur profits

Miller’s Law

  • Chunking – brake down information into smaller, more manageable parts
  • Batching – group similar tasks together
  • Prioritizing – focus on the most important tasks first

Any element or action that isn’t helping users achieve their goal is working against them 🎯

Eating The Frog

”If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And If it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first” – Mark Twain

  • Identify the most impactful and challenging task 🐸
  • Do it first before other todos 👽
  • Sense of accomplishment will give U the energy to tackle the rest of the day ☀️

Completing your most difficult task early boosts productivity and motivation

Cross-Pollination of Knowledge

In Nature, cross-pollination is when one plant pollinates a plant of another variety. The genetic material of both plants merge and the seeds that are produced include characteristics from both flowers 🐝

The Mountain Peak

“We hire smart people, so they can tell us what to do” – Steve Jobs

  • Share the vision, “Do you see that Mountain Peak? Now, go climb it…” 🏔️
  • Delegate desirable outcome rather than task directive
  • Empower and trust rather than control with incompetent limitations

The Root Cause

The Peter Principle

”In organisation, each person rises to the level of his own incompetence”
– Lourence J. Peter

This leads to Peter’s corollary: “In time, every post tends to be occupied by an employee who is incompetent to carry out its duties”

So, now you know, therefore will not be so frustrated anymore 🤪

The Ladder of Replacement

So, if U want to grow (and stuck on the lvl of ur incompetence. LOL) – U have to coach Ur replacement 🪜

  • Grow from bottom Up otherwise the Upper lvl would not have input and become Lazily inefficient 🌿
  • Infrastructure first if U want to develop agriculture U need to build farms 🧑‍🌾

Dunbar’s Number

Robin Dunbar concluded that the size, relative to the body, of the neocortex – the part of the brain associated with cognition and language – is linked to the size of a cohesive social group. This ratio limits how much complexity a social system can handle.

The theory of Dunbar’s number holds that the tightest circle has just five people:

  • 5 – loved ones
  • 15 – good friends
  • 50 – friends
  • 150 – meaningful contacts
  • 500 – acquaintances
  • 1500 – people you can recognise

People migrate in and out of these layers, but the idea is that space has to be carved out for any new entrants 🛂

To overcome this limitation and maintain the level of effectiveness we need the common ground – the purpose of BakeIT and Am0wA Manifesto