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Constructive feedback

Constructive feedback is a key of daily collaboration and continuous improvement

  • Feedback sandwich – put Ur critique between two positives 🍔
  • Details, not personality – focus on specifics (data/actions/items, etc.), not the person 🎯
  • Facts, not assumptions – objectively justify with facts, do not judge on assumptions 📈
  • Offer solutions, not blame – suggest improvements instead of blame and directives 🛠
  • Control the tone – deliver the informa️tion in a calm and respectful manner 📢


By acknowledging good work and showing Ur appreciation U can help to reinforce these positive behaviors

  • Be Specific – highlight, what exactly was good?
  • Share Care – acknowledge, let others see the effort and the result


By providing constructive feedback, U help to improve results and strengthen relationships

  • Be Specific – highlight, what exactly was bad?
  • Be Objective – not personal, neither blame personality nor judge on assumptions
  • Show Care – stay calm and respectful, aim for a positive outcome
  • Follow Up – next check in date with person of how they’re doing in the respective area

Choose the Right Words

Words frame the information therefore affect how the meaning perceived

  • Absolutes: Steer clear of always or never, nothing or everything – feels dismissive
  • Absolute Certainty: Avoid I'm sure – feels dismissive (try Probably)
  • False Ownership: Avoid acts on behalf of U - feels like blame (try I instead)
  • Vagueness: Avoid kind of or sort of – feels vague
  • Forcing: Avoid U should or U need – feels forced (try Could U?)

Destructive Phrases

Disregarding, disrespectful, dismissive, or threatening phrases lead to counterattacks

// Destructive
"U never..." | "U always..." // Absolutes: rarely true
"Ur problem is..." // False Ownership: blame
"Calm Down!" // Forcing: triggers more anger & reactance
"U're acting like a..." // Personal: attack into self-identification
"I’ll talk to U when U can be rational" // Dismissive: implies the irrational state
"U’re such a @#$%&!" // Insulting attack - doesn't lead to resolution
"U should visit the ${specialist}" // Forcing: implies the person is not capable
"We’re done! I’m out of here!" // Threatening: escalates the situation


Put Urself in other's shoes

// Destructive
"U never make the dishes" // Absolutes: rarely true
"U should do dishes today?" // Forcing: provokes reactance
// Constructive
"Today, There no clean dishes left" // Objective, facts based
"I've noticed that the dishes are not done" // Self-ownership, facts based
"Could U please do the dishes today?" // Suggestive, not forcing
// Destructive
"U just want to ..." // False Ownership: assumption based
// Constructive
"I've not received ... from U" // Self-ownership: facts based
// Destructive
"U desinged it wrong" // Blame: personal, vague
"It's badly designed" // Vagueness: not-specific
// Constructive
"Imho, it feels a bit raw, because..." // Self-ownership: not personal
"It looks like, this part is missing. What do U think?" // Objective: suggestive
"Could U please add it?" // Suggestive: not forcing
// Constructive
"It's not Clear for me. Could U please add comment over it to avoid ambiguity?" // Self-ownership: respectful, suggestive
// Destructive
"It's Obvious. U're just incompetent" // Personal: disregarding, Survivorship bias
// Destructive
"If u'll not send it Now – I'm out of here!" // Threatening: escalates the situation
// Constructive
"I'm not ready to answer. Let's take a brake?" // Self-ownership: Calm, respectful
// Destructive
"U always ditch all innovative ideas because of fear to brake the prod" // Personal: accusing
// Constructive
"Last three ideas were not accepted, due to 'It's risky' assumption." // Objective: facts based
"It feels like new ideas & solutions aren’t welcome. Is there a way we could explore all props & cons?" // Self-ownership: suggestive
// Destructive
"U're interrupting others on every meeting" // Absolutes: exaggerated & personal
// Constructive
"Imho, U often share valuable insights on meetings. Could U please let others share their ideas too?" // Suggestive: respectful
// Destructive
"I don't care what it takes. Release it until Monday. Take overtimes if needed!" // Forcing: disregarding the person's time & life
// Constructive response
"We're aiming to deliver it until Deadline. Could U please review other priorities, so the team could focus & do it without overtimes?" // Suggestive: respectful
"We understand it's important. Could we review edge cases, and add those as patch or to adjust Deadline?" // Objective: facts based

Further reading